Saturday, April 5, 2008


This is "Bup":

Aliases: "Bupany" "Buppy" and "Bupity bup"

Who knew such a cute little innocent looking bear could cause so much trouble. When I was pregnant with Sofi, Lili and I went on a little shopping trip for her soon to be sibling. We didn't know whether she would have a brother or sister so we picked this little bear. He turned out to be Sofi's lovey. She will not sleep without him and if she wants him and can't find him she cries and screams and carries on until we find him for her. I have become obsessed with this bear. I am always very very conscious of where he is especially if he goes out of the house. I know that my life would turn into a living hell if ever he were to be lost. This was made quite evident during our move a couple of weeks ago. Even though we were only going for a short hour and a half ride I knew she would want him. We were all ready to go and loaded up when I realized we didn't have the infamous "Bup".

So like I said, my life was a living hell for an hour and 20 minutes. Somehow "Bup" had been inadvertently packed up in the big truck so we had to brave the journey without him. And a rough ride it was indeed. Of course, I was the only one who had to endure as Lili had ridden with daddy in the big truck. Sofi screamed (and I mean screamed) and cried and screamed and cried the whole way. It was miserable. Luckily he was found quickly after arriving at our new place. Phew!

A couple of days ago we went to my sisters to play. Of course "Bup" was with us. He was in my plain sight most of the day but nearing the end of our stay Sofi disappeared with him. She wandered upstairs without me knowing and was getting into all kinds of things. The first time I found her she had chocolate all over her face. She had found her cousin's leftover Easter candy. The second time I found her she had what appeared to be concealer all over her lips. She had apparently thought it was lip gloss. None the less, she had invaded her older cousins room much to my dismay. After that it was definitely time to go. I cleaned her up, loaded the girls in the car and drove off. After a few blocks I realized that we didn't have "Bup". So we turned around and I went in search. I searched for about 10 minutes and then decided I would just have to come back after dinner.

Search I did. For over an hour. I looked outside, inside, going room by room looking under everything. No Bup. I was very very stressed out. It was nearing bedtime and no Bup. What on earth would we do? I cried, I prayed and still I couldn't find him. I started to imagine that he was lost forever and it actually made me sad. I was really really quite sad over the loss of this little inanimate bear. Finally I called my hubby and told him to bring the girls so we could all look for Bup. As soon as they arrived I took Sofi Upstairs and told her to find Bup. She lead me right to him. All of that stress for nothing really. If I had just had her look in the first place ....duh. Well, luckily at least he was found and we can all rest easier knowing that he is home safe and sound.

Funny thing is, I realized that perhaps I have my own feelings of attachment to Buppy. I actually kind of love him too. He has somehow made himself a big part of our family that will one day be missed when Sofi is too old for him.


AmyLyn said...

Hey Jennifer! I'm so glad I found you. I wanna see pics of your family! Hey, I'm on a health kick right now and I always think of you...anyway, I'm excited to keep up with your blog!
AmyLyn and (Michael) Packard

Laurie said...

I feel the same way about Duck Blanket for Anna. I hope that she doesn't lose him someplace because I want to be able to keep him around for when she is all grown up and moving out for the first time. Sentimental mommy!