Friday, March 28, 2008

Country Girl at Heart

So I've figured out in the last couple of weeks that I must truly be a country girl at heart. I have not minded one minute of my stay here in Grantsville so far and to my surprise have actually rather enjoyed it.

I think this must stem from my early childhood. I was born in a very small town, actually, I was born 30 miles away from my house because we lived in a very very small town. We lived on a dirt road and only had a few neighbors. There were no traffic lights and the high school was a combo jr high/high school with about 70 kids. Yes indeed, a very small town. I think I liked it there. I don't remember much but I must have liked it because I am back in a place that could compare I think and I love it.

Country folk are just different from city folk. The things that matter to them are a little less worldly and they are also much more friendly. I have felt at home from the second we walked in the door to our new place.

I have also gotten the homesteading bug. I think it would absolutely fabulous to have a house with a lot of land for a big garden and lots of animals. I know it would be a lot of work but fun work. What wouldn't be fun about planting your own food and growing it yourself (organically might I add) instead of relying on others. And teaching my kids about it would be priceless. I have even started by going in with some ladies here on buying seeds for my garden. I've ordered 3 kinds of tomatoes, peppers, onions, cauliflower, squash, melons, lettuce, name, we'll have it. I also ordered a bunch of herbs so I can have those as well. Too bad I don't have anywhere to plant them yet. I will though (I hope)by next year. I am on my way to self sufficiency (as long as I can figure out how to tend my garden).

I have been thinking a lot about this self sufficiency thing lately and how our world is right now. I admit that I'm a little scared by all that is going on and the price of gas, which affects everything! There is also talk of a trucker's strike which could really do us all in where food is concerned. It's an uncertain world we live in right now. I'm grateful that we have church leaders who have counseled us to store food/ get out of debt/ save money. I have a feeling we are going to need it sooner rather than later.


Hayde said...

I'm very happy that you are enjoying it in the "country"!
I just wanted to let you know that we love you and your sweet little family and are always hoping the best for you. I'm planting a garden with my kids and Jeff this year too, in the city! I'm not as ambitious, but we'll be planting some stuff for killer fresh salsa! And hopefully some corn, pumpkins and we'll see how it goes!