Sunday, May 18, 2008

What's wrong with America?

A few days ago I was listening to Glen Beck. I really like this guy, he just makes sense. I wish I were able to listen to him more but since my kids never let me listen to anything but the likes of Raffi it is a rare occasion that I get to tune in. This particular evening Glen was talking about how much little things add up to define who we are. Take for instance people who wind up getting fat, he said it wasn't because they pig out (although I'm sure some do) but rather it was the one little cookie here, the donut there, the soda pop at the party, whatever it is it is all the little things that add up. HE talked about kids growing up and parents allowing them to watch inappropriate things or play video games that they shouldn't. That parents rationalize that it's just one TV show or just one movie or just a magazine, what harm could it do? Well, by themselves perhaps not much but over time all the little things wear at a person and break down their morals and self esteem. I was in total agreement with Mr. Beck on this. It is so true.

So time for me to get on my soapbox. Last night my honey and I got the rare chance to go to the movies. It has been a very long time since we've gone to the movies and since we were celebrating my birthday we got my niece to babysit and headed out to see Ironman.

(a great movie might I add) I had only seen perhaps one preview on this movie but just from seeing that I knew this movie would have the typical super hero good versus bad violence that they all do. And, just from the movie marquee it also looked a bit scary (Ironman's suit is definitely a bit creepy). Just before the movie starts a family with 3 small children come in and sit in the row behind us. The youngest was about Lili's age, I'd guess 4 and the other 2 were not that much older. To see IRONMAN! A 4 year old! Ok, am I bit off or is it not obvious to any person with some intelligence to not that this movie would be inappropriate for a 4 year old? I know as a parent that there is no way in you know where that I would ever take my kids to see this movie. It was violent and scary (any 4 year old would be scared seeing a scene of a kid crying for his father who was about to be shot point blank by bad guys) Kids this age do not know that what they are watching is not real. AS much an any parent might think that they aren't paying attention or just won't get it they are wrong. I am sure that this movie would have an affect on any kid.

So Glen, I have to agree, it's all the little things that add up and most of it has to do with stupid parents. That is what I see as the problem with America. Parents who don't parent. Parents who want to be their kid's friend instead of teaching them the difference between right and wrong. Parents who don't care what their kids watch on TV or what they do while on the internet or playing video games. That all they care about is whether or not their kids will leave them alone. I wish that parents would wake up and do what's best for their kids instead of what is best for them.

p.s. My husband, trying to give these people the benefit of the doubt said: "Maybe they couldn't find a babysitter." To which I said: "well then they should have just stayed home (or at least gone to see Horton Hears a Who or something)."


Erin said...

I actually heard Glen Beck talk about this topic on the radio. I LOVE glen beck and listen to him any chance I get without my kids screaming in the car. I totally agreed with everything he said and although I need to be better at what we allow Caleb to see I think we do pretty good. He has seen Harry Potter which is a little scary so there are things that we should definitely work on but I totally agree that parents need to step up and 0be more involved with what their kids are doing and seeing. I'm glad you posted about this. Glen Beck would be proud you are passing the word along. And by the way I love the picture of Sophie that you edited you did a really good job. Photoshop is amazing.

AmyLyn said...

I TOTALLY agree!! I couldn't agree more! I am so with you, girl!