Saturday, August 11, 2007

Construction (Part II)

I am beginning to understand a little why people wind up going postal. Perhaps tonight if I had a shotgun I might have myself, fired a few shots. I wouldn't really hurt anyone, I'd just want to get somebodies attention. I might have gone after the the big rolling machine that was going back and forth in front of my house all night long.

At 1:30 this morning I was jolted awake by what I thought was an earthquake. My bed shook and the windows rattled. I sat up and thought "maybe I had a dream". "Maybe I just had a bad dream and thought the bed was shaking" . I sat there for a moment and didn't hear anything. I looked over thinking maybe Ivan of Lili had shaken the bed but no one else was in the bed so it couldn't have been that. I laid back down and started to drift off to sleep again. A few moments later I thought I sensed a faint smell of asphalt. Again I thought "it must be my imagination. They wouldn't be paving the road right now, right?" WRONG! "WHAT? I thought they weren't supposed to do this for another 2 days at least." "I thought I had time to figure out a plan for me to leave for the night so I wouldn't have to endure the torture!" ARGGG! As if my life isn't miserable enough. I laid in bed trying to go back to sleep for what seemed an eternity. (actually it was about 2 hours) During that time I kept thinking about what I could do. "Maybe I could call the cops. Do they take care of stuff like this? It is disturbing the peace isn't it?" Then I kept thinking about the nasty email (or phone call) I might make to whoever is in charge of this whole stinking operation. It might go something like "Sir, do have any idea that you kept me up all night long with this ridiculous road work? WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU THINKING?" I mean really, I see no reason whatsoever why this could not be done during the daytime when everyone is AWAKE!. So here I sit four hours later, after my fourth failed attempt to go back to sleep, writing this while my frustration is still fresh (I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on the real emotion behind all of this!).

The saddest part about tonight is this: tonight was the ward camp out, which obviously we didn't attend. I thought it would be too much work and too hard to do with the girls. I thought I might have a terrible nights sleep. Boy was I dumb! The only other thing I could think about while I was lying in bed plotting my revenge was the fact that I could have been sleeping peacefully out in the woods to the sound of crickets and a babbling brook.

The moral of this story: ATTEND ALL CHURCH ACTIVITIES!