Friday, August 3, 2007

My Room

My bedroom is by far the worst looking place I've set eyes on. No matter how hard I try it is never clean. Admittedly I haven't tried really at all lately. Lately meaning the last 2 years, OK, 3 years. But cleaning your bedroom is low on the priority list when you have 2 little kids. For real though, my room could probably qualify for federal disaster aid if viewed by anyone from FEMA. I have decided that my biggest fault actually is keeping up with laundry, or actually doing any at all unless otherwise necessitated (like we don't have any clean underwear). There is a pile of clothing on my floor which Lili lovingly refers to as "the mountain". She adores her mountain. Her and Sofie spend many an evening playing on top of "the mountain" and rolling down it. It is great fun. So who am I to ruin their fun? Besides, every time I even attempt to deplete the mountains height by doing 1 load of laundry Lili gets very upset and says "no mommy, not my mountain!"

The laundry is not the only problem area in my room. There are of course toys strewn about and even a couple of dishes. Luckily I have finally deported most of those back to the kitchen but there are a few remaining. There are books all over the floor and most of my husbands "studio" is taking up the floor on his side of the bed. No joke, the printer and scanner laptops, all on the floor. (All of them are broken, well, accept for this one that I'm writing on which only runs on battery which we have to charge through another laptop! arrg!) My side of the bed boasts a big bag of mismatched socks (another laundry problem) which I feel no need to go through since it's summer and who wears socks in the summer? The vacuum is also on my side in case by some reason I feel possessed one of these days to actually vacuum. (that would constitute actually having the floor clean enough to vacuum!) The top of my dresser is filled with......stuff...I don't even know what stuff...just stuff. Ivan's dresser too, and my little desk (which isn't really a desk but a sewing table I have attempted to use as a desk) is well, also filled with stuff. I have contemplated calling one of those cable shows that comes in and makes you organize your space and get rid of all your junk (I can't remember the names of any of those shows since we haven't had cable for over a year) but I think even they may be turned off by what they see. OK, maybe it's not that bad, but it is pretty darn messy.

So I've decided that today is the day. I will clean my room! I will I will I will! I need a place of refuge, a place of serenity, a place to go to get away from the world, or just a place that doesn't make me want to puke every time I look at it. I will get organized. I will dejunk. And...I will vacuum! I think beforehand I should probably say a prayer so that I can accomplish my goal since by the looks of things it doesn't seem like it could ever get clean in a day. I had been praying about it before but I guess God isn't going to send me a cleaning fairy after all. I will have to do it on my own. So off I go into the abyss. Hopefully I don't get eaten by the dirty laundry monster!


Kristi said...

Good luck Jen! I HATE laundry. I am a laundromatic failure. And my room sounds like it could be your rooms twin! You should take before and after pictures :). You've inspired me to go and try to clean!

Laurie said...

Good luck. I know you can do it... or at least some of it today. The other day I set the goal to just clean off my dresser--- which I did, and have felt so much better about things since. Now if I feel like my room is gross (since the rest of it is), I just look at my dresser and feel good.